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Publication Title

Biomedical Optics Express


Thayer School of Engineering

Additional Department

Geisel School of Medicine


A portable near-infrared spectral tomography (NIRST) system was developed with simultaneous frequency domain (FD) and continuous-wave (CW) optical measurements for efficient characterization of breast cancer in a clinical oncology setting. Simultaneous FD and CW recordings were implemented to speed up acquisition to 3 minutes for all 9 wavelengths, spanning a range from 661nm to 1064nm. An adjustable interface was designed to fit various breast sizes and shapes. Spatial images of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, water, lipid, and scattering components were reconstructed using a 2D FEM approach. The system was tested on a group of 10 normal subjects, who were examined bilaterally and the recovered optical images were compared to radiographic breast density. Significantly higher total hemoglobin and water were estimated in the high density relative to low density groups. One patient with invasive ductal carcinoma was also examined and the cancer region was characterized as having a contrast ratio of 1.4 in total hemoglobin and 1.2 in water.


