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Optics Express


Thayer School of Engineering


In vitro three-dimensional models for metastatic ovarian cancer have been useful for recapitulating the human disease. These spheroidal tumor cultures, however, can grow in excess of 1 mm in diameter, which are difficult to visualize without suitable imaging technology.Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an ideal live imaging method for non-perturbatively visualizing these complex systems. OCT enabled detailed observations of the model at both nodular and cellular levels, revealing growth dynamics not previously observed. The development of a time-lapse OCT system, capable of automated, multidimensional acquisition, further provided insights into the growth and chemotherapeutic response of ovarian cancer.

Original Citation

Evans CL, Rizvi I, Hasan T, de Boer JF. In vitro ovarian tumor growth and treatment response dynamics visualized with time-lapse OCT imaging. Opt Express. 2009 May 25;17(11):8892-906. doi: 10.1364/oe.17.008892. PMID: 19466138; PMCID: PMC2836890.
