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PLoS One


Department of Biological Sciences


In previous work, we found that gain-of-function mutations that hyperactivate GEM-1 (an SLC16A transporter protein) can bypass the requirement for GON-2 (a TRPM channel protein) during the initiation of gonadogenesis in C. elegans . Consequently, we proposed that GEM-1 might function as part of a Mg 2 + uptake pathway that functions in parallel to GON- 2. In this study, we report that CATP-6, a C. elegans ortholog of the P5B ATPase, ATP13A2 (PARK9), is necessary for gem-1 gain-of-function mutations to suppress the effects of gon-2 inactivation. One possible explanation for this observation is that GEM-1 serves to activate CATP-6, which then functions as a Mg 2 + transporter. However, we found that overexpression of GEM-1 can alleviate the requirement for CATP-6 activity, suggesting that CATP-6 probably acts as a non-essential upstream positive regulator of GEM-1. Our results are consistent with the notion that P5B ATPases govern intracellular levels of Mg 2 + and/or Mn 2 + by regulating the trafficking of transporters and other proteins associated with the plasma membrane.



Original Citation

Lambie EJ, Tieu PJ, Lebedeva N, Church DL, Conradt B. CATP-6, a C. elegans ortholog of ATP13A2 PARK9, positively regulates GEM-1, an SLC16A transporter. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 9;8(10):e77202. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077202. PMID: 24130856; PMCID: PMC3793975.
