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Journal of Biomedical Optics


Thayer School of Engineering


Diffuse fluorescence tomography requires high contrast-to-background ratios to accurately reconstruct inclusions of interest. This is a problem when imaging the uptake of fluorescently labeled molecularly targeted tracers in tissue, which can result in high levels of heterogeneously distributed background uptake. We present a dual-tracer background subtraction approach, wherein signal from the uptake of an untargeted tracer is subtracted from targeted tracer signal prior to image reconstruction, resulting in maps of targeted tracer binding. The approach is demonstrated in simulations, a phantom study, and in a mouse glioma imaging study, demonstrating substantial improvement over conventional and homogenous background subtraction image reconstruction approaches.



Original Citation

Tichauer KM, Holt RW, El-Ghussein F, Davis SC, Samkoe KS, Gunn JR, Leblond F, Pogue BW. Dual-tracer background subtraction approach for fluorescent molecular tomography. J Biomed Opt. 2013 Jan;18(1):16003. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.1.016003. PMID: 23292612; PMCID: PMC3537325.
