Reviews of: Blazing Ahead: Benton MacKaye, Myron Avery, and the Rivalry That Built the Appalachian Trail by Jeffrey H. Ryan. AMC’s Mountain Skills Manual: The Essential Hiking and Backpacking Guide by Christian Bisson and Jamie Hannon. AMC’s Best Day Hikes in the Catskills and Hudson Valley by Peter W. Kick. AMC’s Best Day Hikes Near Washington, D.C. by Beth Homicz and Annie Eddy. Go Take a Hike! Hiking tips and Outings for Seniors in Western Maine and the White Mountains by Allen Crabtree. Henry David Thoreau: A Life by Laura Dassow Walls. Thoreau and the Language of Trees by Richard Higgins. Belle Turnbull: On the Life and Work of an American Master by David J. Rothman and Jeffrey R. Villines. Shelter from the Storm: The Story of New Zealand’s Backcountry Huts by Shaun Barnett et al.
Recommended Citation
"Books and Media,"
Appalachia: Vol. 69:
1, Article 18.
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