
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2022)

This has been a year of immense hardship and tragedy. Police brutality, systemic racism, and the COVID-19 pandemic have upended the lives of citizens across the globe. During times like these where togetherness is so badly needed, it is all the more painful that we have spent so much of our time in isolation. Now more than ever, a platform for sharing ideas and diverse perspectives with students and faculty across the country is incredibly valuable. Although we have missed out on so much of the human connection on which we thrive, the staff of DUJPEW is grateful for the opportunity to listen, read, and collaborate with our peers in the national undergraduate community. Please enjoy the newest issue of the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Politics, Economics and World Affairs.

Noah Freundlich '21, Editor-in-Chief
Jonathan Briffault '21, Co-President
Addison Dick '22, Co-President

Editor's Notes


Letter from the Editor 2021
DUJPEW Editorial Board, Dartmouth College

Complete Issue


Volume I | Issue III | 2021
DUJPEW Editorial Board, Dartmouth College



The Great Swedish Experiment
Xiaofan Gong, Cornell University and Michael Ratzkin, Cornell University

Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Politics, Economics and World Affairs cover art