ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students)

Degree Program


Year of Graduation


Faculty Advisor

Eric S. Bish

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-10-2020


Merchant Mechanics, Inc. is an award-winning consumer research firm specializing in shopper behavior and consumer neuroscience. This ENGG 390 project is an advertising research study to understand effects of a psychological heuristic known as the ‘Peak-end Rule’ in video advertisements using real time brain and body-derived responses. The objectives of this project are: 1) To measure the extent to which KPIs effectiveness change with time of exposures, platform, and branding type in video advertisements. 2) To provide insights to managers in terms of attention, emotion, engagement and recall to adapt to upcoming new standards of cross-platform video advertisement measurements.

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Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access


Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.
