Submissions from 2021
Musical components important for the Mozart K448 effect in epilepsy, Robert J. Quon, Michael A. Casey, Edward J. Camp, Stephen Meisenhelter, Sarah A. Steimel, Yinchen Song, Markus E. Testorf, Grace A. Leslie, Krzysztof A. Bujarski, Alan B. Ettinger, and Barbara C. Jobst
Submissions from 2017
Music of the 7Ts: Predicting and Decoding Multivoxel fMRI Responses with Acoustic, Schematic, and Categorical Music Features, Michael A. Casey
Submissions from 2016
A New Method for Ecoacoustics? Toward the Extraction and Evaluation of Ecologically-Meaningful Soundscape Components Using Sparse Coding Methods, Alice Eldridge, Michael Casey, Paola Moscoso, and Mika Peck
Submissions from 2013
Music and Movement Share a Dynamic Structure that Supports Universal Expressions of Emotion, Beau Sievers, Larry Polansky, Michael Casey, and Thalia Wheatley