Volume 56, Number 1 (2005) Summer/Fall 2005: The State of Maine
Complete Issue
Editor's Column
High-Country Currents: Exploring Maine Far From the Madding Crowds: The Magic of Isle au Haut
Lucille Stott
In This Issue
The AMC's Maine Woods Initiative: "Big Ideas" Lead to an Historic Step in Land Management
Rebecca A. Brown
Ecological Survey of the Katahdin Iron Works Tract: Locating Natural Communities as a First Step Toward Land Management Planning
Dave Publicover
Little Lyford Pond Camps: From Frontier Logging to Backcountry Bliss at a Traditional Maine Sporting Camp
Sarah Jane Shangraw
"The Best Job in State Government": Buzz Caverly Reflects on His Career as Director of Maine's Baxter State Park
Christine Woodside
Island Hopping Along the Coast: The Maine Island Trail Association's 325-Mile DownEast Paddling Route
Dorcas Miller
Black Bears: Beyond the Myth
Sandy Stott
Acadian Treasure: Photographs of Acadia National Park
Jerry Monkman and Marcy Monkman
In Every Issue
A Peak Ahead
Lucille Stott
Creel Limit
John Cantey Knight
Whitton Pond
Charles Pierre
Todd Davis
Fear of Cahows (pterodroma cahow)
Francis Blessington
Inky Cap Mushroom
Max L. Stephan
Going Among the Iris
Frederick Zydek

Photo by Gerry Whiting. From the 3,644-foot White Cap Mountain, the view sweeps over the northern portion of AMC's Katahdin Iron Works property.