Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Loving 바리데기: A Traveler's Guide to Anthologizing the 여성 시인, Tiffany Hyunkyung Chang
Apocalyptic Surpluses, Hannah Kadin
From History to Memory: Comparative Discourse of Proust's Le Temps Retrouvé and Michelet's Histoire de la Révolution Française, Jose F. Lopez Cochachi
Modern Bodies: Globalizing Media Cultures and the Representation of Ideal Beauty, Michelle Sun
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
State Power and Body Politics in Neoliberal Times: Diamela Eltit's Sumar and Basma Abdel Aziz's al-Ṭābūrs, Ryan Ellis
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Witnessing and Remembrance: The Rhetoric of Loss in the Old Testament and Latin-American, Jewish Memoir Writers, Theodore Friedman
An Arrangement: Music and Literature in Diderot, Rousseau, and Rameau, Julianne Mehra
The Displaced Poet: Forced Cosmopolitanism and the Reimagining of Nation in Transatlantic Exile Poetry, Abigail Mihaly
Post Diluvial Man and the Origins of Humanitarianism, Raam Tambe
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Time regained in the great war, Joseph Estrada
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Question of Aesthetic Newness in Joyce and Apollinair, Hannah Gallen
Tawada Yoko and Bae Suah, Ji Hyun Shin
Reinventing the Wagnerian Aesthetic: the Leitmotif in Proust's À la recherche du temps perduand Musil's Der Mann ohne Eigenschten, Madeleine Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Fragments of a Babble-onion Analysis Interminable "Dora Bruder" and "Notes from the Underground", Timothy Messen
Through Hell and High Water: The Southern Louisiana Trickster Narrative as an Ontology of Resilience, Ava Tichnor
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
That Corpse You Planted: An Agrarian Perspective on the Mortality of Texts, Malcolm Salovaara
Third Night: An Original Play with Dramaturgical Analysis, Elise S. Wien
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Entering the Mind of a Genius: Yi Sang, Paul C. Chang
The Stories They Tell: Fictional Representations of the Spanish Civil War, Gabriela Josebachvili
Spatial Fictions: Contemporary Representations and Theorizations of Urban Space, Tom Owen
Toward a Decolonial Critical Theory, Benjamin Randolph
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Fictional Character in Alain Robbe-Grillet's La Jalousie and Julio Cortázar's 62: Modelo para amor, Pedro Hurtado Ortiz
But the Color Stayed: 'Afro Türk' Presence within the Turkish Nation Construction, Olumayowa A. Willoughby
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Intellectual Masculinity and Masculine Intellectuals, Andrew Huh
"Abstract Painting is Abstract": A Semiotic Analysis of Abstraction in Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art, Alexis Monroe
Writing Art in Latin America: The Spectacular Society and Movie Stars in Cortázar and Puig, Krista Oehlke
Insufficient Utopias: The Politics of Participatory Art from Post-1997 Thailand, Chanon Praepipatmongkol
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Tensions of Literary Space: Janet Flanner's New York, Colette's Provinces, and the Paris They Shared, Hilary C. Krutt
Hunting the Spanish Civil War: An Exploration of the "Human" and the "Animal" in Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls and Carlos Saura's La Caza, Maxwell A. Moran
The Ideal of Hybridity: Rethinking the Theory within the Context of Albert Camus, José Luandino Vieira and their Selected Works, Renee L. Phillip
Crafting a New Political and Social History: A Study of Christine de Pizan, Madeline L. Sims
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Paradoxes of the Postwar Body in The Face of Another, Cannon Biggs
Debilitating Dichotomies: The Fragmented Nationalist Endeavor of the Gaucho Literary Genre, Wallace (Ned) Jones
Überzähliges Dasein: Language and Being in the Poetry of Rilke and Mallarmé, Therese Korndorf
William Methwold and the Great Palaces of Europe, Rahul Malik
Schiller Als Arzt: The Theater as Clinic, Pharmacy and Madhouse, Johanna Meyer
On the Threshold of the Archive: The Madeleine and the Bartlett Pears, Matthew Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Adventures in Writing: Extraordinary Voyages with E.A. Poe and J.Verne, Abigail R. Alexander
Into the Cave with the Marquis de Sade: From Degradation to Translation, Hermanjit S. Bajwa
Unveiled Stories: Desire, Representation and Resistance in Feminist Counter-Cinema, Emily K. Kane
Revolutionary Late-Weimar Objectivity and the "State of Exception", Alexander J. Lambrow
Nisi Vinceris: Parody and Intertextuality in Titus Andronicus, Maya C. Nathan
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Four Authors in Quest of Utopia: Cortazar, Duras, Carpentier, Perec, Amaury Boscio Colon
Resistance from Within: Literary Negotiations of Female Identity in the Space of the Postcolonial Home, Silvia Ferreira
In No Unmediated Terms: History, Memory, and Representation in MAUS and W ou le Souvenir d'Enfance, Alexander Fidel
Being and Beauty: Mystical Experience and Poetic Self-Affirmation, Andrew Gates
The Cities of St. Petersburg, Kirby Liu
The Passionate Spectator: Cinematic 'Flânerie' in Bennett Miller's The Cruise and Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin's Chronique d'un Été, Annabel Seymour
Utopia and Revolution, Marisa Taney
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A "Poesis of Loss": The Centrality of Fragment in the Imagist Reception of Sappho, Davey Danielle