Date of Award

Spring 5-29-2024

Document Type

Thesis (Undergraduate)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Timothy J. Pierson


Cryptography offers a wide arsenal of encryption methods to enable secure communication between two
devices that have already exchanged a shared secret. Existing techniques for exchanging a shared secret,
however, are often vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, require special hardware for out-of-band com-
munications, or require a pre-existing Internet connection. With the constantly increasing prevalence of
Internet of Things (IoT) devices sharing sensitive information via wireless networks, the need for a method
to establish secure communication is more pressing than ever.
With this context, we present Whisper, a novel technique that combines elements of digital commu-
nication theory, cryptography, and probability theory to enable two nearby, unfamiliar devices to exchange
a shared secret while thwarting eavesdropping adversaries from intercepting the secret. Whisper uses prox-
imity as a means for authentication, allowing the two devices to share a secret that they can use to encrypt
further communication.
In this paper, we provide an analysis of Whisper’s theoretical performance through its use of the
Inverse-Square Law, MIMO beamforming, and Shamir’s Secret Sharing (SSS). We demonstrate Whisper’s
mathematical viability, acknowledge its limitations, and provide potential avenues for future research.

Available for download on Thursday, May 29, 2025
