Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
In this paper we consider the Rectilinear Minimum Link-Distance Problem in Three Dimensions. The problem is well studied in two dimensions, but is relatively unexplored in higher dimensions. We solve the problem in O(B n log n) time, where n is the number of corners among all obstacles, and B is the size of a BSP decomposition of the space containing the obstacles. It has been shown that in the worst case B = Theta(n^{3/2}), giving us an overall worst case time of O(n^{5/2} log n). Previously known algorithms have had worst-case running times of Omega(n^3).
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Drysdale, Robert Scot; Stein, Clifford; and Wagner, David P., "An O(n^{5/2} log n) Algorithm for the Rectilinear Minimum Link-Distance Problem in Three Dimensions (Extended Abstract)" (2005). Computer Science Technical Report TR2005-538.
Submitted to CCCG 2005