Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
Several algorithms for parallel disk systems have appeared in the literature recently, and they are asymptotically optimal in terms of the number of disk accesses. Scalable systems with parallel disks must be able to run these algorithms. We present a list of capabilities that must be provided by the system to support these optimal algorithms: control over declustering, querying about the configuration, independent I/O, turning off file caching and prefetching, and bypassing parity. We summarize recent theoretical and empirical work that justifies the need for these capabilities.
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Cormen, Thomas H. and Kotz, David, "Integrating Theory and Practice in Parallel File Systems" (1993). Computer Science Technical Report PCS-TR93-188.
The original 1993 tech report was superceded by the conference version. The paper has since been revised, re-issued on 9/20/94 as an updated technical report.