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Technical Report
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Academic conferences are a long-standing and effective form of multimedia communication. Conference participants can transmit and recieve information through sight, speech, gesture, text, and touch. This same-time, same-place communication is sufficiently valuable to justify large investments in time and travel funds. Printed conference proceedings are attempts to recapture the value of a life conference, but they are limited by a fragmented and inefficient approach to the problem. We addressed this problem in the multimedia proceedings of the DAGS'92 conference. The recently published CD-ROM delibers text, graphic, audio, and video information as an integrated whole, with extensive provisions for random access and hypermedia linking. We belive that this project provides a model for future conference publications and highlights some of the research issues that must be resolved before similar publications can be quickly and inexpensively produced.
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Cheyney, M; Gloor, P; Johnson, D B.; Makedon, F; Matthews, J; and Metaxas, P, "Conference on a Disk: A Successful Experiment in Hypermedia Publishing (Extended Abstract)" (1994). Computer Science Technical Report PCS-TR94-208.