ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students)

Degree Program


Year of Graduation


Faculty Advisor

John Harris

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-22-2021


Newly developed probabilistic load models utilize probabilistic weather forecasts as their main input. In order to determine whether the performance of probabilistic forecasts is adequate to reap the benefits a distribution of values provides, these forecasts must be checked for accuracy of their mean and overall range of values. Probabilistic weather forecasts in MISO for the first 180 days of 2021 on temperature, dew point, and wind speed were analyzed. The use of probabilistic forecasts allows grid operators to increase their confidence in their load prediction models, which can subsequently save cost by allowing higher efficiency in dispatch planning.

Level of Access

Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access


Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.
