ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students)
Degree Program
Year of Graduation
Faculty Advisor
Vikrant Vaze
Document Type
Publication Date
This summer I had an incredible chance to work with Professor Vikrant Vaze on his feeder line project where I mainly focused on data analytics, model building, and economic analysis. Feeder line is a route that connects smaller or remote transportation demand points to a major public transit route. It can improve public transportation coverage to satisfy the needs for elder people, lower income people, and environmental protection in rural areas where population is sparsely populated.
The objective of this project is to develop a mathematical model for designing feeder lines in rural areas and find its economic background in a real rural city. In the project, I successfully built the mathematical model and took Lebanon, NH, as the city based on Census LODES database to evaluate the model. Results show that with 1 feeder line, making stops with more than 5 demands as required stops and others as optional stops can achieve best benefit. With 2 feeder lines, setting stops with more than 2 demands as required stops for Loop 1 and setting stops with more than 1 demand as required stops for Loop 2 can reach the best benefit. The feeder line does contribute to the improvement of public transportation coverage for elder worker and the lower income worker, creating economic benefits.
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Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Zhang, Jiaqi, "zhang_executive" (2023). ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students). 202.
Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.