ENGS 89/90 Reports

Degree Program


Year of Graduation


Project Advisor

Ryan J. Halter

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 3-1-2019


Intraosseous (IO) infusion is a procedure performed in emergency situations, in order to rapidly infuse fluid or medications into a patient’s vascular system via bone marrow in the humerus or tibia. Unfortunately, the current method for identifying the humeral insertion site (palpation) can be impossible in heavily muscled or obese patients, which may result in needle misplacement, the leading cause of complications. To overcome these difficulties, this project, sponsored by IOMETRY, Inc., focused on the development of an insertion site guide, which is compatible with current IO access equipment and allows rapid and accurate identification of the humeral insertion site.

Level of Access

Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access


Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.
