ENGS 89/90 Reports
Degree Program
Year of Graduation
Norwich Technologies, Norwich, VT
Project Advisor
Lee Lynd
Mark Laser
Document Type
Publication Date
A feasibility analysis is performed to estimate the cost to generate, store, transport and utilize solar-generated green hydrogen for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications in the New England area. The analysis is based on a system model sized to meet the heat (and electric) load of the Dartmouth College Heating Plant in 2021. Generation methods analyzed include solar powered electrolysis. Storage methods analyzed include compressed gas and liquid hydrogen. In all cases, compressed hydrogen storage is the cheapest method. However, liquid hydrogen has advantages over compressed gas for longer storage times. For the transport of hydrogen, only trucking is considered. Utilization methods analyzed include hydrogen boilers and hybrid (hydrogen and natural gas) boilers. Both produce steam that power a steam turbine which loops back through a heat exchanger. Capital and operating costs are considered over a range of production rates, storage times, storage capacities, trucking capacities, delivery distances, and blending ratios. The appendix contains sensitivity analyses, simulation results and graphs showing important trends associated with green hydrogen CHP applications in the New England area and worldwide. The calculated premium for Dartmouth College is 3.5 $/kg H2, which translates to 75 $/MWh of CHP power.
Level of Access
Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Alsaeed, Omar; Holden, Max; Killion, Michael; and Lehr, Alexander, "Solar Hydrogen for CHP Applications in New England" (2022). ENGS 89/90 Reports. 55.
Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.