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Journal of Virology


Geisel School of Medicine


The AKXL-5 recombinant inbred mouse strain is positive for the endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus emv-14, the only emv present in its germ line. emv-14 is of particular interest because spleen cells expressing emv-14 virus escape recognition by anti-AKR/Gross virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We report here the isolation and characterization of a replication-competent emv clone, pAK7, derived from an AKXL-5 mouse. This clone is novel in that it encodes a variant ecotropic murine leukemia virus that, when expressed in SC.Kb target cells, fails to be recognized efficiently by anti-AKR/Gross virus cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The pAK7 clone can therefore be used to further probe mechanisms of escape from cell-mediated immunity.

Original Citation

White HD, Green WR, Giné NR. Molecular cloning of infectious ecotropic murine leukemia virus AK7 from an emv-14-positive AKXL-5 mouse and the resistance of AK7 to recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J Virol. 1993;67(8):5045-5050. doi:10.1128/JVI.67.8.5045-5050.1993
