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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Department of Biological Sciences


Accurately dating when the first bilaterally symmetrical animals arose is crucial to our understanding of early animal evolution. The earliest unequivocally bilaterian fossils are 555 million years old. In contrast, molecular-clock analyses calibrated by using the fossil record of vertebrates estimate that vertebrates split from dipterans (Drosophila) 900 million years ago (Ma). Nonetheless, comparative genomic analyses suggest that a significant rate difference exists between vertebrates and dipterans, because the percentage difference between the genomes of mosquito and fly is greater than between fish and mouse, even though the vertebrate divergence is almost twice that of the dipteran. Here we show that the dipteran rate of molecular evolution is similar to other invertebrate taxa (echinoderms and bivalve molluscs) but not to vertebrates, which significantly decreased their rate of molecular evolution with respect to invertebrates. Using a data set consisting of the concatenation of seven different amino acid sequences from 23 ingroup taxa (giving a total of 11 different invertebrate calibration points scattered throughout the bilaterian tree and across the Phanerozoic), we estimate that the last common ancestor of bilaterians arose somewhere between 573 and 656 Ma, depending on the value assigned to the parameter scaling molecular substitution rate heterogeneity. These results are in accord with the known fossil record and support the view that the Cambrian explosion reflects, in part, the diversification of bilaterian phyla.



Original Citation

Peterson KJ, Lyons JB, Nowak KS, Takacs CM, Wargo MJ, McPeek MA. Estimating metazoan divergence times with a molecular clock. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Apr 27;101(17):6536-41. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0401670101. Epub 2004 Apr 14. PMID: 15084738; PMCID: PMC404080.
