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Biomedical Optics Express


Thayer School of Engineering


This study investigates the hypothesis that structured light reflectance imaging with high spatial frequency patterns (fx) can be used to quantitatively map the anisotropic scattering phase function distribution (P(θs)) in turbid media. Monte Carlo simulations were used in part to establish a semi-empirical model of demodulated reflectance (Rd) in terms of dimensionless scattering (μ′sf−1x) and γ, a metric of the first two moments of the P(θs) distribution. Experiments completed in tissue-simulating phantoms showed that simultaneous analysis of Rd spectra sampled at multiple fx in the frequency range [0.05-0.5] mm−1 allowed accurate estimation of both μ′s(λ) in the relevant tissue range [0.4-1.8] mm−1, and γ(λ) in the range [1.4-1.75]. Pilot measurements of a healthy volunteer exhibited γ-based contrast between scar tissue and surrounding normal skin, which was not as apparent in wide field diffuse imaging. These results represent the first wide-field maps to quantify sub-diffuse scattering parameters, which are sensitive to sub-microscopic tissue structures and composition, and therefore, offer potential for fast diagnostic imaging of ultrastructure on a size scale that is relevant to surgical applications.


