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Journal of Virology


Geisel School of Medicine


Viral infection results in the generation of massive numbers of activated effector CD8+ T cells that recognize viral components. Most of these are short-lived effector T cells (SLECs) that die after clearance of the virus. However, a small proportion of this population survives and forms antigen-specific memory precursor effector cells (MPECs), which ultimately develop into memory cells. These can participate in a recall response upon reexposure to antigen even at protracted times postinfection. Here, antiapoptotic myeloid cell leukemia 1 (MCL1) was found to prolong survival upon T cell stimulation, and mice expressing human MCL1 as a transgene exhibited a skewing in the proportion of CD8+ T cells, away from SLECs toward MPECs, during the acute phase of vaccinia virus infection. A higher frequency and total number of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells were observed in MCL1 transgenic mice. These findings show that MCL1 can shape the makeup of the CD8+ T cell response, promoting the formation of long-term memory.


