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Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics


Department of Physics and Astronomy


Digital quantum simulation of fermionic systems is important in the context of chemistry and physics. Simulating fermionic models on general purpose quantum computers requires imposing a fermionic algebra on qubits. The previously studied Jordan-Wigner and Bravyi-Kitaev transformations are two techniques for accomplishing this task. Here, we reexamine an auxiliary fermion construction which maps fermionic operators to local operators on qubits. The local simulation is performed by relaxing the requirement that the number of qubits should match the number of single-particle states. Instead, auxiliary sites are introduced to enable nonconsecutive fermionic couplings to be simulated with constant low-rank tensor products on qubits. The additional number of auxiliary qubits required per fermionic degree of freedom depends only on the degree of connectivity of the Hamiltonian. We connect the auxiliary fermion construction to topological models and give examples of the construction.


