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Frontiers in Psychiatry


Geisel School of Medicine


Neuromodulation-based interventions continue to be evaluated across an array of appetitive disorders but broader implementation of these approaches remains limited due to variable treatment outcomes. We hypothesize that individual variation in treatment outcomes may be linked to differences in the networks underlying these disorders. Here, Sprague-Dawley rats received deep brain stimulation separately within each nucleus accumbens (NAc) sub-region (core and shell) using a within-animal crossover design in a rat model of binge eating. Significant reductions in binge size were observed with stimulation of either target but with significant variation in effectiveness across individuals. When features of local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the NAc were used as predictors of the pre-defined stimulation outcomes (response or non-response) from each rat using a machine-learning approach (lasso), stimulation outcomes could be predicted with greater accuracy than expected by chance (effect sizes: core = 1.13, shell = 1.05). Further, these LFP features could be used to identify the best stimulation target for each animal (core vs. shell) with an effect size = 0.96. These data suggest that individual differences in underlying network activity may contribute to the variable outcomes of circuit based interventions and that measures of network activity have the potential to individually guide the selection of an optimal stimulation target and improve overall treatment response rates.


Original Citation

Doucette WT, Dwiel L, Boyce JE, Simon AA, Khokhar JY, Green AI. Machine Learning Based Classification of Deep Brain Stimulation Outcomes in a Rat Model of Binge Eating Using Ventral Striatal Oscillations. Front Psychiatry. 2018 Aug 3;9:336. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00336. PMID: 30123143; PMCID: PMC6085408.
