Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Agents


Department of Computer Science


Building applications with mobile agents often reduces the bandwidth required for the application, and improves performance. The cost is increased server workload. There are, however, few studies of the scalability of mobile-agent systems. We present scalability experiments that compare four mobile-agent platforms with a traditional client/server approach. The four mobile-agent platforms have similar behavior, but their absolute performance varies with underlying implementation choices. Our experiments demonstrate the complex interaction between environmental, application, and system parameters.



Original Citation

Robert S. Gray, David Kotz, Ronald A. Peterson Jr, Joyce Barton, Daria Chacón, Peter Gerken, Martin Hofmann, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Maggie Breedy, Renia Jeffers, and Niranjan Suri. Mobile-Agent versus Client/Server Performance: Scalability in an Information-Retrieval Task. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Agents, December 2001. 10.1007/3-540-45647-3_16
