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American Journal of Plant Physiology


Department of Biological Sciences


In yeast and animals, cyclins have been demonstrated to be important regulators of cell cycle progression. In recent years, a large number of A-, B-, and D-class cyclins have been isolated from a variety of plant species. One class of cyclins, the D-class cyclins, is important for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In Arabidopsis, four D-class cyclins have been isolated and characterized (CYCLIN-D1;1, CYCLIN-D2;1,CYCLIN-D3;1, and CYCLIN-D4;1). In this report we describe the characterization of a fifth D-class cyclin gene,CYCLIN-D3;2 (CYCD3;2), from Arabidopsis. An enhancer trap line, line 5580, contains a T-DNA insertion inCYCD3;2. Enhancer trap line 5580 exhibits expression in young vegetative and floral primordia. In line 5580, T-DNA is inserted in the first exon of the CYCD3;2 gene; in homozygous 5580 plants CYCD3;2 RNA is not detectable. Even thoughCYCD3;2 gene function is eliminated, homozygous 5580 plants do not exhibit an obvious growth or developmental phenotype. Via in situ hybridization we demonstrate that CYCD3;2 RNA is expressed in developing vegetative and floral primordia. In addition,CYCD3;2 is also capable of rescuing a yeast strain that is deficient in G1 cyclin activity.



Original Citation

Swaminathan K, Yang Y, Grotz N, Campisi L, Jack T. An enhancer trap line associated with a D-class cyclin gene in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 2000;124(4):1658-1667. doi:10.1104/pp.124.4.1658
