Preclinical Evaluation of Spatial Frequency Domain-Enabled Wide-Field Quantitative Imaging for Enhanced Glioma Resection

Mara Sibai, University of Toronto
Carl Fisher, University of Toronto
Jonathan T. Elliott, Dartmouth College
Frederic Leblond, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal


5-Aminolevelunic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence-guided resection (FGR) enables maximum safe resection of glioma by providing real-time tumor contrast. However, the subjective visual assessment and the variable intrinsic optical attenuation of tissue limit this technique to reliably delineating only high-grade tumors that display strong fluorescence. We have previously shown, using a fiber-optic probe, that quantitative assessment using noninvasive point spectroscopic measurements of the absolute PpIX concentration in tissue further improves the accuracy of FGR, extending it to surgically curable low-grade glioma. More recently, we have shown that implementing spatial frequency domain imaging with a fluorescent-light transport model enables recovery of two-dimensional images of [PpIX], alleviating the need for time-consuming point sampling of the brain surface. We present first results of this technique modified for