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Proceedings of SPIE-- The International Society for Optical Engineering


Thayer School of Engineering


Dynamic fluorescence imaging approaches can be used to estimate the concentration of cell surface receptorsin vivo. Kinetic models are used to generate the final estimation by taking the targeted imaging agent concentration as a function of time. However, tissue absorption and scattering properties cause the final readout signal to be on a different scale than the real fluorescent agent concentration. In paired-agent imaging approaches, simultaneous injection of a suitable control imaging agent with a targeted one can account for non-specific uptake and retention of the targeted agent. Additionally, the signal from the control agent can be a normalizing factor to correct for tissue optical property differences. In this study, the kinetic model used for paired-agent imaging analysis (i.e., simplified reference tissue model) is modified and tested in simulation and experimental data in a way that accounts for the scaling correction within the kinetic model fit to the data to ultimately extract an estimate of the targeted biomarker concentration.




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Original Citation

Sadeghipour, Negar et al. “Quantifying cancer cell receptors with paired-agent fluorescent imaging: a novel method to account for tissue optical property effects.” Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering vol. 10497 (2018): 1049723. doi:10.1117/12.2290631
