Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms for Parallel Machines


Department of Computer Science


We present an out-of-core FFT algorithm based on the in-core FFT method developed by Swarztrauber. Our algorithm uses a recursive divide-and-conquer strategy, and each stage in the recursion presents several possibilities for how to split the problem into subproblems. We give a recurrence for the algorithm's I/O complexity on the Parallel Disk Model and show how to use dynamic programming to determine optimal splits at each recursive stage. The algorithm to determine the optimal splits takes only Theta(lg^2 N) time for an N-point FFT, and it is practical. The out-of-core FFT algorithm itself takes considerably longer.


Listed in the Dartmouth College Computer Science Technical Report Series as PCS-TR97-322.

Original Citation

Cormen, T.H. (September 1996). Determining an Out-of-Core FFT Decomposition Strategy for Parallel Disks by Dynamic Programming. Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms for Parallel Machines, 1996-97 Special Year on Mathematics of High Performance Computing, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
