Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the 1997 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence


Department of Computer Science


The self-organizing desk is a system that enhances a physical desk-top with electronic information. It can remember, organize, update, and manipulate the information contained in the documents on a desk. The system consists of a simple robot eye that can survey the desk, a module for smart extraction of information from the images taken by the robot, a module for representing this information in multiple views, and a module that allows a user to interact with this information.


Listed in the Dartmouth College Computer Science Technical Report Series as PCS-TR97-305.

Original Citation

Rus, D., & de Santis, P. (August 1997). The Self-Organizing Desk. Proceedings of the 1997 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nagoya, Japan.
