Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Frontiers in Public Health


Department of Computer Science

Additional Department

Geisel School of Medicine


In the published article, there were errors regarding the affiliations of several authors. For “Joseph Ollier”, instead of having affiliation “1,2”, they should have “1”. For “Olivia Clare Keller”, instead of having affiliations “1,2,15”, they should have “1,15”. For “Lorainne Tudor Car”, instead of having affiliations “3,27”, they should have “4,27”. For “Alicia Salamanca-Sanabria” instead of having affiliation “3”, they should have “4”. For “Jacqueline Louise Mair”, instead of having affiliation “3”, they should have “4”. For “Tobias Kowatsch”, instead of having affiliation(s) “1,2,15,28”, they should have “1,4,15”. In the published article, there was also an error in affiliation “29”. Instead of “Center for Digital Health, Berlin Institute of Health and Charité, Berlin, Germany”, it should be “Center for Digital Health, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, Berlin, Germany”. There was also an error in affiliation “4”. Instead of “Future Health Technologies Programme, Singapore-Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Centre at Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore, Singapore”, it should be “Future Health Technologies, Singapore-ETH Centre, Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore”. Additionally, there was an error in affiliation “23” instead of “Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction, Zurich University, Zurich, Switzerland” it should be “Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland”. The authors apologize for these errors and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.



Original Citation

Ollier J, Neff S, Dworschak C, Sejdiji A, Santhanam P, Keller R, Xiao G, Asisof A, Rüegger D, Bérubé C, Hilfiker Tomas L, Neff J, Yao J, Alattas A, Varela-Mato V, Pitkethly A, Vara MD, Herrero R, Baños RM, Parada C, Agatheswaran RS, Villalobos V, Keller OC, Chan WS, Mishra V, Jacobson N, Stanger C, He X, von Wyl V, Weidt S, Haug S, Schaub M, Kleim B, Barth J, Witt C, Scholz U, Fleisch E, Wangenheim Fv, Car LT, Müller-Riemenschneider F, Hauser-Ulrich S, Asomoza AN, Salamanca-Sanabria A, Mair JL and Kowatsch T (2021) Corrigendum: Elena+ Care for COVID-19, a Pandemic Lifestyle Care Intervention: Intervention Design and Study Protocol. Front. Public Health 9:809278. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.809278
