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Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo


Geisel School of Medicine


Active infection by T. gondii was evaluated by immunoassay for soluble SAG-1 (p30), the major surface antigen from T. gondii, specific antibodies and immune complexes in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. A total of 263 samples of CSF were collected from hospitalized patients presenting neurological disorders and analyzed for antibodies to HIV. Patients were divided into two groups: HIV positive (n = 96) or HIV negative (n = 167). The results of the assays showed that 45% of all samples were positive for soluble SAG-1. Toxoplasma Ag/Ab immune complexes were detected in 19% of the CSF samples and 62% were positive for T. gondii- specific IgG. A combination of these assays in the presence of clinical findings consistent with active Toxoplasma infection may predict the presence of toxoplasmic encephalitis. Moreover, detection of soluble SAG-1 in the CSF of these individuals appears consistent with active infection.



Original Citation

Chaves-Borges, F. A., Souza, M. A., Silva, D. A. O., Kasper, L. H., & Mineo, J. R. (1999). Detection of Toxoplasma gondii soluble antigen, SAG-1(p30), antibody and immune complex in the cerebrospinal fluid of HIV positive or negative individuals. Revista Do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 41, 329–338.
