Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2005


Crystal Structure of the GTPase Domain of Rat Dynamin 1, Thomas F. Reubold, Susanne Eschenburg, Andreas Becker, Marilyn Leonard, Sandra L. Schmid, Richard B. Vallee, F. Jon Kull, and Dietmar J. Manstein


Donepezil Effects on Mood in Patients with Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder, S Craig Risch, Michael D. Horner, Susan R. McGurk, Simmy Palecko, John S. Markowitz, Ziad Nahas, and C. Lindsay DeVane


The Relationship Between FRQ-Protein Stability and Temperature Compensation in the Neurospora Circadian Clock, Peter Ruoff, Jennifer J. Loros, and Jay C. Dunlap


Dynamical Control of Qubit Coherence: Random Versus Deterministic Schemes, Lea F. Santos and Lorenza Viola


Heparin Stimulates Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation, Robert M. Q. Shanks, Niles P. Donegan, Martha L. Graber, Sarah E. Buckingham, Michael Zegans, Ambrose Cheung, and George A. O'Toole


The Effect of Particles on Dynamic Recrystallization and Fabric Development of Granular Ice during Creep, Min Song, Ian Baker, and David M. Cole


Creep of Granular Ice With and Without Dispersed Particles, Min Song, David M. Cole, and Ian Baker


Near-Infrared Characterization of Breast Tumors In Vivo using Spectrally-Constrained Reconstruction, Subhadra Srinivasan, Brian W. Pogue, Ben Brooksby, Shudong Jiang, Hamid Dehghani, Christine Kogel, Wendy A. Wells, Steven P. Poplack, and Keith D. Paulsen


Lattice Thermal Conductance in Nanowires at Low Temperatures: Breakdown and Recovery of Quantization, Y. Tanaka, F. Yoshida, and S. Tamura


The CNS Role of Toll-Like Receptor 4 in Innate Neuroimmunity and Painful Neuropathy, Flobert Y. Tanga, Nancy Nutile-McMenemy, and Joyce A. DeLeo


Regularized Orbit Models Unveiling the Stellar Structure and Dark Matter Halo of the Coma Elliptical Ngc 4807, J. Thomas, R. P. Saglia, R. Bender, D. Thomas, K. Gebhardt, J. Magorrian, E. M. Corsini, and G. Wegner


Is FIRST J102347.6+003841 Really a Cataclysmic Binary?, John R. Thorstensen and Eve Armstrong


SarA Is an Essential Positive Regulator of Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm Development, Maria A. Tormo, Miguel Marti, Jaione Valle, and Adhar C. Manna


SarA Positively Controls Bap-Dependent Biofilm Formation in Staphylococcus aureus, María P. Trotonda, Adhar C. Manna, Ambrose L. Cheung, Iñigo Lasa, and José R. Penadés


Visibility, Visual Awareness, and Visual Masking of Simple Unattended Targets are Confined to Areas in the Occipital Cortex beyond Human V1/V2, Peter U. Tse, Susanna Martinez-Conde, Alexander A. Schlegel, and Stephen L. Macknik


Role of Spontaneous Current Oscillations during High-Efficiency Electrotransformation of Thermophilic Anaerobes, Michael V. Tyurin, Charles R. Sullivan, and Lee R. Lynd


Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Induced Macrophage Gene Expression Includes the p21 Gene, a Target for Viral Regulation, Nancy Vazquez, Teresa Greenwell-Wild, Nancy J. Marinos, William D. Swaim, Salvador Nares, David E. Ott, Ulrich Schubert, Peter Henklein, Jan M. Orenstein, Michael B. Sporn, and Sharon M. Wahl


Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Yuan Wang, Frank Yates, Olaia Naveiras, Patricia Ernst, and George Q. Daley


Calmodulin and PF6 are components of a complex that localizes to the C1 microtubule of the flagellar central apparatus, Matthew J. Wargo, Erin E. Dymek, and Elizabeth F. Smith


Probing Multiple Sight Lines through the SN 1006 Remnant by Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy, P. Frank Winkler, Knox S. Long, Andrew S. Hamilton, and Robert A. Fesen


Patient Characteristics and Clinical Management of Patients with Shoulder Pain in U.S. Primary Care Settings: Secondary Data Analysis of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, James L. Wofford, Richard J. Mansfield, and Raquel S. Watkins


Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase is Critical for Ischemic Remodeling, Mural Cell Recruitment, and Blood Flow Reserve, Jun Yu, Ebu D. deMuinck, Zhenwu Zhuang, and Mary Drinane


Cellulose Utilization by Clostridium Thermocellum: Bioenergetics and Hydrolysis Product Assimilation, Yi-Heng P. Zhang and Lee R. Lynd

Submissions from 2004


Combined TLR and CD40 Triggering Induces Potent CD8+ T Cell Expansion with Variable Dependence on Type I IFN, Cory L. Ahonen, Christie L. Doxsee, Sean M. M. McGurran, Tony R. Riter, William F. Wade, Richard J. Barth, John P. Vasilakos, Randolph J. Noelle, and Ross M. Kedl


The Major Subunit of the Toxin-Coregulated Pilus TcpA Induces Mucosal and Systemic Immunoglobulin A Immune Responses in Patients with Cholera Caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Edward T. Ryan, Manohar John, Long Hang, Ashraful I. Khan, A. S. G. Faruque, and Ronald K. Taylor