Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 1998


Identification and Characterization of SpcU, a Chaperone Required for Efficient Secretion of the ExoU Cytotoxin, Viviane Finck-Barbançon, Timothy L. Yahr, and Dara W. Frank


Justifying Public Decisions in Arctic Oil and Gas Development: American and Russian Approaches, Nicholas E. Flanders, Rex V. Brown, Yelena Andre'eva, and Oleg Larichev


How do HMOs Achieve Savings? The Effectiveness of One Organization's Strategies., Ann B. Flood, Allen M. Fremont, K Jin, and David M. Bott


Peculiar Velocity Dipoles of Field Galaxies, Riccardo Giovanelli, Martha P. Haynes, Wolfram Freudling, Luiz N. da Costa, John J. Salzer, and Gary Wegner


The Motions of Clusters of Galaxies and the Dipoles of the Peculiar Velocity Field, Riccardo Giovanelli, Martha P. Haynes, John J. Salzer, and Gary Wegner


How To Count Kinks. From the Continuum to the Lattice And Back, Marcelo Gleiser and Hans-Reinhard Muller


Gravitational Waves from Collapsing Vacuum Domains, Marcelo Gleiser and Ronald Roberts


The Sequential Role of Lymphotoxin and B Cells in the Development of Splenic Follicles, Mercedes Gonzalez, Fabienne Mackay, Jeffrey L. Browning, Marie H. Kosco-Vilbois, and Randolph J. Noelle


Isospectral Deformations of Closed Riemannian Manifolds with Different Scalar Curvature, Carolyn S. Gordon, Ruth Gornet, Dorothee Schueth, and David L. Webb


A Basis Theorem for Perfect Sets, Marcia J. Groszek and Theodore A. Slaman


Identification of a Family of Zinc Transporter Genes from Arabidopsis that Respond to Zinc Deficiency, Natasha Grotz, Tama Fox, Erin Connolly, Walter Park, Mary Lou Guerinot, and David Eide


Molecular Basis for Effects of Carcinogenic Heavy Metals on Inducible Gene Expression, Joshua W. Hamilton, Ronald C. Kaltreider, Olga V. Bajenova, Michael A. Ihnat, Jennifer McCaffrey, Bruce W. Turpie, Erin E. Rowell, Jannet Oh, Michael J. Nemeth, Carrie A. Pesce, and Jean P. Lariviere


Interprofessional Working and Continuing Medical Education., Linda Headrick, Peter Wilcock, and Paul Batalden


Thermodynamic Constraints on Nitrogen Transformations and Other Biogeochemical Processes at Soil-Stream Interfaces, Lars O. Hedin, Joseph C. von Fischer, Nathaniel E. Ostrom, Brian P. Kennedy, Michael G. Brown, and G. Philip Robertson


Developmental Regulation of a Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor Controls Postembryonic Cell Cycle Progression in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Yang Hong, Richard Roy, and Victor Ambros

Snowflake: Spanning Administrative Domains, Jon Howell and David Kotz


Change in U.S. Tariffs: The Role of Import Prices and Commercial Policies, Douglas A. Irwin


The WARPS Survey. II. The log N –log S Relation and the X‐Ray Evolution of Low‐Luminosity Clusters of Galaxies, L. R. Jones, C. Scharf, H. Ebeling, E. Perlman, G. Wegner, M. Malkan, and D. Horner


Design of an Epidemiologic Study of Drinking Water Arsenic Exposure and Skin and Bladder Cancer Risk in a U.S. Population, Margaret R. Karagas, Tor D. Tosteson, Joel Blum, J Steven Morris, John A. Baron, and Bjoern Klaue


Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Hip Fracture: Population Based Case-Control Study, Karl Michaëlsson, John A. Baron, Bahman Y. Farahmand, Olof Johnell, Cecilia Magnusson, Per-Gunnar Persson, Ingemar Persson, and Sverker Ljunghall


Antigen-Specific CD8+ T Cells Protect against Lethal Toxoplasmosis in Mice Infected with Neospora caninum, Lloyd H. Kasper and Imtiaz A. Khan


Chlamydia trachomatis Infection in the Female Reproductive Tract of the Rat: Influence of Progesterone on Infectivity and Immune Response, Charu Kaushic, Andrew D. Murdin, Brian J. Underdown, and Charles R. Wira


A V and I CCD Mosaic Survey of the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy, J. T. Kleyna, M. J. Geller, S. J. Kenyon, M. J. Kurtz, and J. R. Thorstensen


A Photometric and Kinematic Study of AWM 7, Daniel M. Koranyi, Margaret Geller, Joseph J. Mohr, and Gary Wegner


The Consequences of Changing the Top Predator in a Food Web: A Comparative Experimental Approach, Mark A. McPeek