Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.
Submissions from 2017
Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Whole Cell Tuberculosis Vaccine Booster in Adults Primed with BCG: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of DAR-901, C. Fordham von Reyn, Timothy Lahey, Robert D. Arbeit, Bernard Landry, Leway Kailani, Lisa Adams, Brenda Haynes, Todd Mackenzie, Wendy Wieland-Alter, Ruth Connor, Sue Tvaroha, David Hokey, Ann Ginsberg, and Richard Waddell
A Machine Learning Classifier Trained on Cancer Transcriptomes Detects NF1 Inactivation Signal in Glioblastoma, Gregory P. Way, Robert J. Allaway, Stephanie J. J. Bouley, Camilo E. Fadul, Yolanda Sanchez, and Casey Greene
Scape Goats, Silver Bullets, and Other Pitfalls in the Path to Sustainability, D. G. Webster
A Cascade of Multiple Proteins and Lipids Catalyzes Membrane Fusion, William Wickner and Josep Rizo
Industrial-Age Doubling of Snow Accumulation in the Alaska Range Linked to Tropical Ocean Warming, Dominic Winski, Erich Osterberg, David Ferris, Karl Kreutz, Cameron Wake, Seth Campbell, Robert Hawley, Samuel Roy, Sean Birkel, Douglas Introne, and Michael Handley
The aquaglyceroporin AQP9 contributes to the sex-specific effects of in utero arsenic exposure on placental gene expression, Emily F. Winterbottom, Devin C. Koestler, Dennis Liang Fei, and Eric Wika
A New Class of Inhibitors of the AraC Family Virulence Regulator Vibrio Cholerae ToxT, Anne K. Woodbrey, Evans O. Onyango, Maria Pellegrini, Gabriela Kovacikova, Ronald Taylor, Gordon Gribble, and F. Jon Kull
Dynamic Patterns of Expression for Genes Regulating Cytokinin Metabolism and Signaling during Rice Inflorescence Development, Maria V. Yamburenko, Joseph J. Kieber, and G. Eric Schaller
Inferring Condition-Specific Targets of Human TF-TF Complexes Using ChIP-seq Data, Chia-Chun Yang, Min-Hsuan Chen, Sheng-Yi Lin, Erik H. Andrews, Chao Cheng, and Jeremy J.W Chen
The Annual Burden of Seasonal Influenza in the US Veterans Affairs Population, Yinong Young-xu, Robertus van Aalst, Ellyn Russo, Jason K. H. Lee, and Ayman Chit
Ferritin and Percent Transferrin Saturation Levels Predict Type 2 Diabetes Risk and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes, Leo R. Zacharski, Galina Shamayeva, Bruce K. Chow, and Ralph G. DePalma
Iron reduction response and demographic differences between diabetics and non-diabetics with cardiovascular disease entered to a controlled clinical trial, Leo Zacharski, Galina Shamayeva, and Bruce Chow
Differences in utilization of Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) within human services (HHS) regions and metropolitan megaregions in the U.S, Pavel Zagadailov, Albert Hsu, David B. Seifer, and Judy E. Stern
Sequence statistics of tertiary structural motifs reflect protein stability, Fan Zheng and Gevorg Grigoryan
Both adhE and a Separate NADPH-Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene, adhA, Are Necessary for High Ethanol Production in Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum, Tianyong Zheng, Daniel G. Olson, Sean J. Murphy, Xiongjun Shao, Liang Tian, and Lee Lynd
Neurologic Correlates of Gait Abnormalities in Cerebral Palsy: Implications for Treatment, Joanne Zhou, Erin E. Butler, and Jessica Rose
Do the Disc Degeneration and Osteophyte Contribute to the Curve Rigidity of Degenerative Scoliosis?, Feng Zhu, Hongda Bao, Peng Yan, Shunan Liu, and Mike Bao
Submissions from 2016
The Determinants of Productivity in Medical Testing: Intensity and Allocation of Care, Jason Abaluck, Leila Agha, Chris Kabrhel, Ali Raja, and Arjun Venkatesh
Perceptions and Experiences of Perinatal Mental Disorders in Rural, Predominantly Ethnic Minority Communities in Northern Vietnam, Daniel Abrams, Liem T. Nguyen, Jill Murphy, Younji Lee, Nhu K. Tran, and David Wiljer
Polyfunctional Hiv-Specific Antibody Responses Are Associated with Spontaneous Hiv Control, Margaret E. Ackerman, Anastassia Mikhailova, Eric P. Brown, Karen G. Dowell, Bruce D. Walker, Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Todd J. Suscovich, and Galit Alter
The Future of Global Health Education: Training for Equity in Global Health, Lisa V. Adams, Claire M. Wagner, Cameron T. Nutt, and Agnes Binagwaho
What Facial Appearance Reveals Over Time: When Perceived Expressions in Neutral Faces Reveal Stable Emotion Dispositions, Reginald B. Adams Jr, Carlos O. Garrido, Daniel N. Albohn, Ursula Hess, and Robert E. Kleck
Assessing the acceptability and feasibility of encounter decision aids for early stage breast cancer targeted at underserved patients, Shama Alam, Glyn Elwyn, Sanja Percac-Lima, and Stuart Grande
Exact Solution of Quadratic Fermionic Hamiltonians for Arbitrary Boundary Conditions, Abhijeet Alase, Emilio Cobanera, Gerardo Ortiz, and Lorenza Viola
A Cyclic Universe Approach to Fine Tuning, Stephon Alexander, Sam Cormack, and Marcelo Gleiser