Dartmouth Scholarship contains peer-reviewed articles, conference proceedings, books, and other works published by Dartmouth faculty, including those from Arts & Sciences, the Geisel School of Medicine, the Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business. Most materials in this collection are freely available to read and download to anyone in the world.


Submissions from 2013


Fluorescent Affibody Peptide Penetration in Glioma Margin Is Superior to Full Antibody, Kristian Sexton, Kenneth Tichauer, Kimberley S. Samkoe, Jason Gunn, P. Jack Hoopes, and Brian W. Pogue


Molecular Basis of Differential Sensitivity of Myeloma Cells to Clinically Relevant Bolus Treatment with Bortezomib, Tamer B. Shabaneh, Sondra L. Downey, Ayrton L. Goddard, Michael Screen, Marcella M. Lucas, Alan Eastman, and Alexei F. Kisselev


Mechanisms of Signal Transduction by Ethylene: Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Signalling Roles in a Receptor Family, Samina N. Shakeel, Xiaomin Wang, Brad M. Binder, and G. Eric Schaller


Functional Annotation and Comparative Analysis of a Zygopteran Transcriptome, Alexander G. Shanku, Mark A. McPeek, and Andrew D. Kern


Id4 Deficiency Attenuates Prostate Development and Promotes PIN-like Lesions by Regulating Androgen Receptor Activity and Expression of NKX3.1 and PTEN, Pankaj Sharma, Ashley Knowell, Swathi Chinaranagari, Shravan Komaragiri, Peri Nagappan, Divya Patel, Mathew C. Havrda, and Jaideep Chaudhary


Estradiol Regulation of Nucleotidases in Female Reproductive Tract Epithelial Cells and Fibroblasts, Zheng Shen, John V. Fahey, Jack E. Bodwell, Marta Rodriguez-Garcia, Richard M. Rossoll, Sarah G. Crist, Mickey V. Patel, and Charles R. Wira


Mapping Disease at an Approximated Individual Level Using Aggregate Data: A Case Study of Mapping New Hampshire Birth Defects, Xun Shi, Stephanie Miller, Kevin Mwenda, and Akikazu Onda


Music and Movement Share a Dynamic Structure that Supports Universal Expressions of Emotion, Beau Sievers, Larry Polansky, Michael Casey, and Thalia Wheatley


Navigating Veterans with an Abnormal Prostate Cancer Screening Test: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Melissa A. Simon, Narissa J. Nonzee, June M. McKoy, Dachao Liu, Thanh Ha Luu, Peter Byer, Elizabeth A. Eklund, and Elizabeth A. Richey


FlexiTerm: A Flexible Term Recognition Method, Irena Spasić, Mark Greenwood, Alun Preece, Nick Francis, and Glyn Elwyn


Adjunctive Atypical Antipsychotic Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Depression, Quality of Life, and Safety Outcomes, Glen I. Spielmans, Margit I. Berman, Eftihia Linardatos, and Nicholas. Z. Rosenlicht


Using Bayesian Networks to Discover Relations between Genes, Environment, and Disease, Chengwei Su, Angeline Andrew, Margaret R. Karagas, and Mark E. Borsuk


The Composite Effect for Inverted Faces is Reliable at Large Sample Sizes and Requires the Basic Face Configuration, Tirta Susilo, Constantin Rezlescu, and Bradley Duchaine


Genetic and Non-genetic Predictors of LINE-1 Methylation in Leukocyte DNA, Salman M. Tajuddin, Andre F.S. Amaral, Agustín F. Fernández, Sandra Rodríguez-Rodero, Ramon Maria Rodriguez, Lee E. Moore, Adonina Tardon, Alfredo Carrato, Montserrat Garcia-Closas, Debra T. Silverman, and Brian P. Jackson


Continuous Correction of Differential Path Length Factor in Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Tanveer Talukdar, Jason H. Moore, and Solomon G. Diamond


Findings from the Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome Registry of Uruguay, Asadur Tchekmedyian, Christopher I. Amos, Sherri J. Bale, Dakai Zhu, Stefan Arold, Joaquin Berrueta, Natalie Nabon, and Thomas McGarrity


Bioengineered Lysozyme Reduces Bacterial Burden and Inflammation in a Murine Model of Mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lung Infection, Charlotte C. Teneback, Thomas C. Scanlon, Matthew J. Wargo, Jenna L. Bement, Karl E. Griswold, and Laurie W. Leclair


Geographic Variation in Chin Shape Challenges the Universal Facial Attractiveness Hypothesis, Zaneta M. Thayer and Seth D. Dobson


Low Mortality in Tall Tropical Trees, R. Q. Thomas, J. R. Kellner, D. B. Clark, and D. R. Peart


Optical and X-Ray Studies of 10 X-Ray-Selected Cataclysmic Binaries, John R. Thorstensen and Jules Halpern


Dual-Tracer Background Subtraction Approach for Fluorescent Molecular Tomography, Kenneth M. Tichauer, Robert W. Holt, Fadi El-Ghussein, Scott C. Davis, Kimberly S. Samkoe, Jason R. Gunn, Frederic Leblond, and Brian W. Pogue


The Toxoplasma gondii Cyst Wall Protein CST1 Is Critical for Cyst Wall Integrity and Promotes Bradyzoite Persistence, Tadakimi Tomita, David J. Bzik, Yan Fen Ma, and Barbara A. Fox


Warm Springs, Early Lay Dates, and Double Brooding in a North American Migratory Songbird, the Black-Throated Blue Warbler, Andrea K. Townsend, T. Scott Sillett, Nina K. Lany, Sara A. Kaiser, Nicholas L. Rodenhouse, Michael S. Webster, and Richard T. Holmes


Colour and Odour Drive Fruit Selection and Seed Dispersal by Mouse Lemurs, Kim Valenta, Ryan J. Burke, Sarah A. Styler, Derek A. Jackson, Amanda D. Melin, and Shawn M. Lehman


Tree Climbing and Human Evolution, Vivek V. Venkataraman, Thomas S. Kraft, and Nathaniel J. Dominy