Presentations from 2017
Introduction to Special Topics, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 1: Chemical Evolution- A Possible Origin of Life, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 2: Insect Pheromones and Chemical Defense Secretions, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 2: Insect Pheromones, Supporting Images 1, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 2: Insect Pheromones, Supporting Images 2, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 3, Part 1: Pesticides: Natural and Manmade Pesticides, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 3, Part 2: Pesticides: Herbicides, Vietnam Defoliants, and Dioxin, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 4: Cancer and Chemical Carcinogenesis, Gordon Gribble
Special Topic 5: Chemical Warfare, Gordon Gribble