About the Book
A chronicle of Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, edited by the Vermont writer and preservationist Ralph Nading Hill. Contributors include William Andres, John Sloan Dickey, Ralph Nading Hill, Stearns Morse and Ernest Roberts.
About the Author
RALPH NADING HILL's books include The Winooski, Heartway of Vermont (1949) which viewed Vermont through the lens of the river known to the Algonquians as "The Onion River" and Sidewheeler Saga, a book about the steamboat Ticonderoga, the last sidewheel steamer on Lake Champlain. Hill worked on the boat, which traveled between Vermont and New York across Lake Champlain, for three years.
About the Electronic Publication
This electronic publication of The College on the Hill was made possible with the permission of the author. University Press of New England created EPUB, MOBI, and PDF files from a scanned copy of the book.
Rights Information
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License © Trustees of Dartmouth College
Publication Date
Trustees of Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Original Citation
Print version: College on the hill. Hanover, NH : Dartmouth Publications, 1964. LD1438 .H58.
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Hill, Ralph Nading and Dickey, John Sloan, "The college on the hill: a Dartmouth chronicle" (2016). Dartmouth Legacy. 4.