Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 8-2024


During the Librarians Active Learning Institute (LALI) 2024, Alexis Gomez, Tricia Martone, and Abigail Murdy developed a 50-minute active learning session for a fictional environmental studies class needing to write a research paper on a topic of their choice using peer reviewed articles. The bulk of the active learning session was encompassed in the two handouts, which are a jigsaw for Web of Science (20 minutes) and a modified Send-A-Problem (Send Along) activity (20 minutes). The lesson was designed for 6 students, though it can be scaled. In the practicum, the Web of Science jigsaw had 3 groups of 2 each teaching themselves in their pairs the contents of one of the handouts. Students were then shuffled so that each student in each of the 2 new groups of 3 had worked on a separate handout. The students then taught each other what they learned, combining the knowledge of the three handouts. Students were put in pairs for the Send Along activity. All groups completed #1, then passed their paper to the left, and this was repeated for #2 and #3. Papers were passed once more after #3 was complete so that groups ended up with their original paper. Reflection on the activity included discussion around what makes a right-sized research question, how useful some Web of Science features were for their searches, how keywords impacted their searches, and what they might do differently in future.
