Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis (Master's)

Department or Program

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Saul Lelchuk

Second Advisor

Anna Minardi

Third Advisor

Eugenie Carabatsos


Michael M. Morris is an oppositional researcher searching not only for dirt to take down those he feels are unworthy to hold political office, but also for his own direction in life. After the tragic loss of his wife and only child, he begins to put the pieces of his life back together, only to be pulled back into both destructive old habits and into the very town he hoped to avoid. Persuaded to return to Tallahassee, Florida, Mike finds himself not only fighting the wealthy and politically powerful family responsible for his misery but also the guilt that keeps him from truly healing.

Available for download on Sunday, May 17, 2026

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