Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type

Thesis (Master's)

Department or Program

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Tom Zoellner

Second Advisor

Eugenie Carabatsos

Third Advisor

Aisha Damali-Lockridge


Scribere Aude is a collection of creative nonfiction essays divided into three parts. Part 1: The Body examines beauty standards, mental health struggles, and debunks sex education myths through a feminist lens. Part 2: First Gen Probs delves into childhood, education, culture, and parental expectations for first generation and immigrant people. In order to encapsulate the various identities surrounding “first generation,” seven first generation adults were interviewed from Guatemala, Mexico, Pakistan and Goa, Jamaica, Thailand, Romania, and with the author included Lebanon. Finally, Part 3: Vivian Says Goodbye Sometimes, is a letter to my former students explaining my decision to leave teaching. Many of the interviews conducted were in person, though a few were by Zoom and follow up questions were conducted through email. Sources were given a synopsis of the manuscript and participated knowing they would be recorded and that any information on record could be used in the thesis. A few sources agreed to contribute under conditions of anonymity, such as only using first names or pseudonyms, to protect their privacy.

Available for download on Monday, September 30, 2024
