Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis (Master's)

Department or Program

Earth Sciences

First Advisor

Marisa Palucis


With the increasing availability and resolution of remote sensing techniques, the resulting data products are increasingly being applied to answer societally relevant questions regarding quantifying the effects of climate change, mitigating natural hazards, and understanding landscape changes over varying temporal and spatial scales. While the power and potential for such large-scale, efficient, and cost-effective surveys are undeniable, a thorough understanding of any environment requires that remotely sensed data are ground-truthed or put into context with in-situ observations. In this thesis, Chapter 1 presents a literature review of Martian analog sites and discusses the importance of integrating in-situ and remote sensing techniques for studying potential biosignatures and their preservation. Chapter 2 presents the construction of pre- and post-rockfall 3D models to measure rockfall and the recent evolution of Cannon Cliff (NH, USA) by integrating historical and contemporary remote sensing data. Chapter 3 presents the results of in-situ bedrock temperature and strength measurements, indicating trends in the potential for frost weathering at Cannon Cliff and suggesting geological context determines weathering outcomes at Cannon Cliff and similar granitic landscapes.

Included in

Geomorphology Commons
