Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-23-2024


Practicing UDL in Higher Education is a workbook that offers both pedagogical context for and concrete examples of universal design for learning strategies in post-secondary courses from a range of disciplinary and institutional contexts. It was created as part of the Accessible Dartmouth Initiative (ADI), a collaboration between the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning, Student Accessibility Services, and Learning Design and Innovation.

ADI is an initiative designed to strengthen Dartmouth’s educational model to better meet the needs of neurodivergent learners as well as first-generation college students, international students, English language learners, and students of other marginalized identities. As part of ADI, we offer faculty development programming ranging from intensive multi-day institutes to shorter workshops and individual consultations. Dartmouth faculty and instructional staff who work with us are able to pursue grant funding to complete course redesigns using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies they’ve explored.

This workbook grew out of a desire to universally design our UDL programming. In other words, we wanted to design multiple options for engagement, representation, and action and expression for the educators working with us to implement UDL in their courses. In our work together, we have found modeling UDL in our faculty development programming not only provides opportunities for a deeper exploration and understanding of the framework, but also grounds us in the awareness that we all––from students to faculty to staff facilitators––require accessibility in some form or another, and that our work together is enriched when we provide that accessibility for one another.
