
Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Questioning Modernity’s Episteme: A Comparative Literary Analysis towards Planetary Spiritualism, Pumho Karimi


Geotransformación and Overcoming Underdevelopment in Socialist Cuba, Danny Meza Keane


ME AND MS JONES - The Androgyny of Black Women, Lethokuhle Msimang


Marvelous Ordinariness: Re-engaging with Realism’s Social Function, Miranda Ochoa Natera


Star Power: An Analysis of Digital Astrology Content as an Instrument of Political Tractability, Aliza Phillips


Transcreation in World of Warcraft’s China Localization: Echoes of Poetry across Two Worlds, Yilu Ren


Displaced Ukrainian Writers After 2014, a Postcolonial Perspective, Sophie Ivanka Shields


Mending Wounds: A Reparative Feminist Analysis of the Japanese Film Series Guinea Pig, Mikayla Walker


Troubling Waters: Anthropocene Marine Gothic in the 19th-Century Anglo-American Fiction, Phoenix Guqing Wang


Reading in the Margins: Cosmopolitan Women Readers in Sijie Dai’s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress and Yoko Tawada’s “Persona”, Wenjun Yang


Self-Effacement in Christian Mysticism: A Case Study of Teresa of Ávila and Simone Weil, Zihan Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Inhumanity Restored: Digital Play & Poetic Drama, Ali Emir Dağlar


The Problem With Asian American Literature, Sophie G. Huang


‘The Ultimate Share of Babel’: Silence in Mohammed Abdalbari’s (1985) Crescents, Hussain Laghabi


From Nihilation to Redemption: Profanations and Overlaps in Claudio Magris’ Danube, Nicola Mazzotti


Bound to a Mast: Matelotage and the Queer Contract in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and The Tempest, Agnese Palumbo


Colonial Translation Turned Vietnamization: Phạm Quỳnh and the Discourse of Transculturation, Camellia Pham


Burden of Performance: Totalitarianism in Self, Ziyin Qian


The birds that embrace both illusions: an intersemiotic translation of All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan, Veronika Yadukha

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


“Whenever we crossed a mountain / on this Earth, yet another one appeared”: Circumstantial Poetry in ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī’s (d. 1143/1731) Travelogues, Tom J. Abi Samra


“For Now We See in a Mirror, Dimly”: Dialectical Wholeness in Oshii Mamoru’s Ghost in the Shell, Mari Aida


Ephemeral Elsewheres: Locating Narratives of Resignation, Resistance, and Refusal in the Poetry of Black Cuban and Black Brazilian Women, Aidan Keys


The City of Nightmares: Occultism, Ecstasy, and the Literature of Late-Victorian London, Sophie Labenski


Out of the Gutter, Into the Gram: A Comical Message and a Digital Medium, Tala Majzoub


"I Am Not Alive": A Bionian Reading of Life and Death in Balzac's Le Colonel Chabert and Tynianov's Podporuchik Kizhe, Andres Meraz


Imaginative Mimesis: Childhood Experience in Rafael Alberti's La Arboleda Perdida and José Gomes Ferreira's Calçada do Sol, Emily Oliveira


Gambling: The Dialogue of Excess in Lanval and The Franklin’s Tale, Fanrui Shao


Unended Middle Passage: The Exhausted Flesh of a Resistant Enslaved Woman, Yipu Su


The Wailing of the Streets: Novelistic Form and the Everyday in Voyage in the Dark and Voyage au bout de la nuit, Tutkunur Vatansever


The Idyllic Houses of Collective Trauma Reading Home and World War II in Ian McEwan’s Atonement and Jenny Erpenbeck’s Heimsuchung, Victoria Wirtz

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Woolf as Window: A View into Martín Gaite’s Treatment of Alienation in El cuarto de atrás, Elizabeth Cornick


banal/QUEER/spectacular: Reframing Blue is the Warmest Color, Sophie Frank


Sites of Interpretation in the “Gaza” of Johannes de Alta Silva, James Johnson


Spaces for Becomings? Heterotopic Fictions in Preciado’s Testo yonqui, Caroline King


Translatio materiae: Spenser, the Humanists, and a Poetics of Matter, Victoria Florio Pipas


Interlingual Morphology and Wakean Topology, Stephen Valeri

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Reading the Unreadable: Salò and Its Significance, Michael Ramsey


Mapping the Streets of London: Location and Dislocation in Early Dickens, Yihong Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2011

Greater than Zero: Censorship and the Missing Pages of Ignácio de Loyola Brandão's Zero, Bivona Kristol

Angels in the Mirror: Performance and Speech Acts in Sab by Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda, Dulceany Roger David

Theses/Dissertations from 2010

The last word unfinished: Dantean Intertextuality in the Poetry of Timothy Liu, Shanahan Charif

Exceptional States of Exception: The Fragmented Political in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Giorgio Agamben's Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Ying Cheng


Melodrama in Performance: Nilo Cruz's Two Sisters and a Piano, Pauline Gonzales

Women's Bodies and the Birth of the Nation in Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun, Judith Rauscher

The Marquis de Sade and the Dialectic of Liberation, Kathrin Spiller

'O poeta e um fingidor': the Pessoan Concept of fingimento, Daniela Vasquez


Ancient country, new mandate': Reading Mao 235 as a Ritual Song, Jian Wang

The Future in the Past: Pound's Poetic Innovation in 'In a Station of the Metro', Xia Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2009

Everyone Can Cook: La scienza in cucina and the Making of Italy, Ben Huber

"Uncanny Fluency in Another's Tongue": Philippine National Literature of José Rizal and Carlos Bulosan, Anna Juan

"… and bear fruit with patient endurance": The State of Exception, Anomie, and Religious Rebellion in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower, Norbert Kleinwaechter

The Power of Poetry: Confronting the Imperial in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats and Aimé Césaire, Patricia Lamberti

The Representation of the Displaced Child in Literature and Film, Andrea Seubert

A Clinging Dress: The (Un)traslatability of Wordplay in the Priapea, Alec Wall

On Killing Elephants, Thomas Wisniewski

Theses/Dissertations from 2008

Recuperating the English past in the two fictional versions of Havelok, Raul Ariza Barile

Contesting the Canon: Parody and Gender in the Comic Lyric of Cecco Angiolieri, Savannah Cooper-Ramsey

Ever-Present, Ever-Absent: The Four Female Faces in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamozov and Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Diana Dukhanova

Italian Immigration Literature: Contemporary Rome as Cultural Palimpset, Enzy Montas

Requiem for Oneself: Death and Authorship in Luidmila Petrushevskaya's The Time: Night, Olga Permitina

Polvo de estrella; Una traducción del libro de poesía Star Dust por Frank Bidart, Jennifer Rowell

Words on the American Shot: Renegotiating Reality, Identity and Space in Spanish Contemporary Narrative, Alba Sanchis Alvarez

Living Language: Emergent Voices in Assia Djebar's L'amour, la fantasia and Jacques Godbout's Salut Galarneau!, Kyle Stepa

Comedia sin título: Federico García Lorca's Epic Shakespearean Theater, Carson Thomas

Between Tradition and Traditionalism: The Heritage of "Classical" in the Marcus Aurelius Equestrian Statue and in Richard Meier's Museum for the Ara Pacis Augustuae, Filippo Trentin

Diagnosing the Female Reader: Metaphors of Infection in The Heavenly Twins, Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina, Rachael White

Theses/Dissertations from 2007

Post-Script: Textual performances of friendship and mourning in Being and Time and L'Arret de mort, Genevieve Amaral

Writing at the Borders of Europe: Language, Originality and Exile in the Works of Panait Istrati and Jorge Semprún, Oana Castu

Rewriting Troy: Hélisenne de Crenne's Apple of Discord and Trojan Horse, Christina Elefteriades

Lost in the Love Trance: Authenticity and Translation of Sappho 31, Todd Foley

"Idole Faire": the Making of the False Florimell, Wei Hu

Subversive/Subverting Meta-Narratives: Religious Rhetoric and the Fictional Journal in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Journal d'un cure de campagne, Jason Lewallen

Dismembered Lives: Women Remaking Memory in Argentina and Chile, Katherine Paarlberg

"Fate for Sale": Mark(et)ing Domestic Violence in Central Asia, Christina Stoltz

Aporia, Violence, and National Consciousness in Lu Xun and Frantz Fanon, Duncan Yoon

Reading Palimpsets, Constructing Identities, Emory Zink

Theses/Dissertations from 2006

The politics of dis-identification in Elfriede Jelinek's die Klaviespielrin and Kathy Acker's Bloods and Guts in High School, Silke Adamitza

Negotiating the In-Between: Cartographies of Feminine Spaces in Soraya Nini's Ils disent que je suis une Beurette, Nassera Chohra's Volevo diventare Bianca, and Igiaba Scego's Rhoda, Judith Arnold

"The Eurhythmy of a Branch Outlined Against the Sky": Translation and the Failed Return in Los pasos perdidos and La muralla verde, Allison Cook

The Death Knell: Temporality and Figurations of the Self in Proust and Heidegger, Brandon Granier

Narrative Structure and Productive Contradiction in Perceval and Parzival, Claire Jones

Between Ashes and Roses: al-Andalus in Mahmoud Darwish's Eleven Planets and Juan Goytisolo's Conde Don Julián, Lillian Kanso

Classics Illustrated? The Relation of Comics and the Literary in Prado's Trazo de tiza and Simmonds's Gemma Bovery, Aaron Kashtan

Trading Bulls for Gold: Strategies of National Narrative in Contemporary "Traditional" Ping Opera, Rachel Kunze

Chronotype of the East-West Encounter: Byron and Lermontov's Deviation in Orientalization of Women, Hwa Jung Lee

Postmodern Ovid, Jennifer Levitt

Flaubert and Lawrence, David Mora

Impossible Dialogs: A Discursive Analysis of La Chanson de Roland and La Canso de la Crozada, Jason Moreau

Adaptation as Creation in Marina Tsvetaeva's Tsar-Devitsa and Phaedra, Lana Putintsev

Theses/Dissertations from 2005

Sonorous Silence: Debussy translates Mallarmé, Anna Bachman

Biafra: Discussion of Post-colonialism and Nationalism in Chinua Achebe's Girls at War and Buchi Emecheta's Destination Biafra, Nenad Filipovic

title unknown; pertained to Brazilian television, Steven Gonzagowski

Going to Intertexual Hell, Francisco Nahoe

Performing Gendered Piety: Cross-dressing the Confraternity and Convent, Christine Scippa

Theses/Dissertations from 2004

n/a, Ekaterina Alexandrova

Relocating the Self: Place and Personal Identity in Juan José Millás's Volver a casa (1990) and Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections (2001), Michael Hoyer

Integrating the Irrational: Hypertrophy and Autoeroticism in Lolita and The Nose, Natalia Ivanova

Tracing the Shadows of Present Foremothers: The Textual Performance of Embodied Memory in Ana Historic and La Maison Trestler, Jennifer James

The Poet and his Song, Meredith Kolar

Germanness in Nineteenth-century Russian Literature, Yunhui Lu