This collection represents a series of “Technical Reports” produced by members of the Department of Computer Science (formerly the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) since 1986. They include material deemed by the faculty to be worthy of public release; in some cases, Technical Reports were later revised and published in the archival literature. Prior to September 2020, the series was also a venue for release of some PhD dissertations, MS theses, and undergraduate honors theses.
Prior to the year 2000, reports were numbered in the form PCS-TRyy-nnn, where yy was the 2-digit year (19yy), and nnn was a sequence number. “PCS” stood for “paper in computer science”; for the earliest reports, the pdf contains a scan of the original paper document or a distillation of the original Postscript file. In rare cases, the first three letters (“PCS”) was occasionally “DCS”, for a diskette, or “TCS" for a tape; most of these have been transferred to archive files and made available here.
Starting in the year 2000, new reports were numbered in the form TRyyyy-nnn, with sequence number nnn continuous across years. In 2021 we expanded the number format to to TRyyyy-nnnn, since the sequence numbers exceeded 999.
For more information about the Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report series, please contact Computer.Science.Department@Dartmouth.EDU.
Submissions from 1986
Producing Software Using Tools in a Workstation Environment, Mark Sherman and Robert L. Scot Drysdale
Functions Returning Values of Dynamic Size, Mark Sherman, Andy Hisgen, Jonathan Rosenberg, and David Alex Lamb
QDT (Quickdraw Terminal) Libraries, Mark Sherman and Ann Marks
Using Low-Cost Workstations to Investigate Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Mark Sherman and Ann Marks
A Practical, Distributed Environment for Macintosh Software Development, Mark Sherman, Ann Marks, Rob Collins, Heather Anderson, Jerry Godes, Denis Devlin, Leonid Spector, and Vivian Sewelson
MacIP Sources and Applications, Mark Sherman and Tim Maroney
Submissions from 1985
Creating Havoc: Havoc Development Program, David Cohn and Stephen Madancy
BRUCE: A Graphics System with Hidden Line and Hidden Surface Algorithms, Keith Vetter and Christopher Roche
Submissions from 1984
View-3 and Ada: Tools for Building Systems with Many Tasks, Ann Kratzer and Mark Sherman
Dartmouth-Smalltalk: An Exercise in Implementation, Joon Sup Lee
An Image Processing Software Package for the Laser Scanning Phase Modulation Microscope, William J. Murray