This collection represents a series of “Technical Reports” produced by members of the Department of Computer Science (formerly the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) since 1986. They include material deemed by the faculty to be worthy of public release; in some cases, Technical Reports were later revised and published in the archival literature. Prior to September 2020, the series was also a venue for release of some PhD dissertations, MS theses, and undergraduate honors theses.
Prior to the year 2000, reports were numbered in the form PCS-TRyy-nnn, where yy was the 2-digit year (19yy), and nnn was a sequence number. “PCS” stood for “paper in computer science”; for the earliest reports, the pdf contains a scan of the original paper document or a distillation of the original Postscript file. In rare cases, the first three letters (“PCS”) was occasionally “DCS”, for a diskette, or “TCS" for a tape; most of these have been transferred to archive files and made available here.
Starting in the year 2000, new reports were numbered in the form TRyyyy-nnn, with sequence number nnn continuous across years. In 2021 we expanded the number format to to TRyyyy-nnnn, since the sequence numbers exceeded 999.
For more information about the Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report series, please contact Computer.Science.Department@Dartmouth.EDU.
Submissions from 1994
A New Approach to the Minumum Cut Problem, David R. Karger and Clifford Stein
Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for the Negative Cycle Problem, Dimitris Kavvadias, Grammati E. Pantziou, Paul G. Spirakis, and Christos D. Zaroliagis
A DAta-Parallel Programming Library for Education (DAPPLE), David Kotz
Disk-directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors, David Kotz
Parallel Computer Needs at Dartmouth College, David Kotz, Fillia Makedon, Matt Bishop, Scot Drysdale, Don Johnson, and Takis Metaxas
Dynamic File-Access Characteristics of a Production Parallel Scientific Workload, David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar
A Detailed Simulation Model of the HP 97560 Disk Drive, David Kotz, Song Bac Toh, and Sriram Radhakrishnan
Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithms, Tom Leighton, Fillia Makedon, and Spyros Tragoudas
Multimedia authoring, development environments, and digital video editing, Fillia Makedon, James W. Matthews, Charles B. Owen, and Samuel A. Rebelsky
Issues and Obstacles with Multimedia Authoring, Fillia Makedon, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Matthew Cheyney, Charles Owen, and Peter Gloor
Generalized FFTS - A Survey of Some Recent Results, David K. Maslen and Daniel N. Rockmore
Videoscheme: A Research, Authoring, and Teaching Tool for Multimedia, J Matthews, F Makedon, and P Gloor
Human Creativity Through Computer Gaming, Christine McGavran
A Multiprocessor Extension to the Conventional File System Interface, Nils Nieuwejaar and David Kotz
Incremental Equational Programming, Samuel A. Rebelsky
The Design and Development of Interactive Multimedia Conference Proceedings, Samuel A. Rebelsky, James Ford, Kenneth Harker, Fillia Makedon, P Takis Metaxas, and Charles Owen
Building Multimedia Proceedings: The Roles of Video in Interactive Electronic Conference Proceedings, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Fillia Makedon, James Matthews, Charles Owen, Laura Bright, Kenneth Harker, and Nancy Toth
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Closest Point Problems, Peter Su
Submissions from 1993
Vector Layout in Virtual-Memory Systems for Data-Parallel Computing, Thomas H. Cormen
Integrating Theory and Practice in Parallel File Systems, Thomas H. Cormen and David Kotz
Asymptotically Tight Bounds for Performing BMMC Permutations on Parallel Disk Systems, Thomas H. Cormen and Leonard F. Wisniewski
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for some Tree Layout Problems, J Diaz, A Gibbons, Grammati E. Pantziou, M Serna, Paul G. Spirakis, and J Toran
On-Line and Dynamic Shortest Paths Through Graph Decompositions, Hristo N. Djidjev, Grammati E. Pantziou, and Christos D. Zaroliagis
Throughput of Existing Multiprocessor File Systems (An Informal Study), David Kotz
VideoScheme: A Programmable Video Editing System for Automation and Media Recognition, James Matthews, Peter Gloor, and Fillia Makedon
Parallel h-v Drawings of Binary Trees, Panagiotis T. Metaxas, Grammati E. Pantziou, and Antonis Symvonis
Wavelet Localization of the Radon Transform, Tim Olson and Joe DeStefano
Parallel Max Cut Approximations, Grammati E. Pantziou, Paul G. Spirakis, and Christos D. Zaroliagis
Accurate Verification of Five-Axis Numerically Controlled Machining, Jerome L. Quinn
Off-line Cursive Handwriting Recognition Using Style Parameters, Berrin A. Yanikoglu and Peter A. Sandon
Submissions from 1992
Formal Implementation of High-Level Languages for Data-Parallel Programming, Deb Banerjee
A Visualization System for Correctness Proofs of Graph Algorithms, Peter A. Gloor, Donald B. Johnson, Fillia Makedon, and Panagiotis Metaxas
SPEDE: A Simple Programming Environment for Distributed Execution (Users' Manual), James Gochee
SPEDE: Simple Programming Environment for Distributed Execution, James Gochee
On The De Bruijn Torus Problem, Glenn Hurlbert and Garth Isaak
Multiprocessor File System Interfaces, David Kotz
Algorithms for Closest Point Problems: Practice and Theory, Peter Su
Concurrent Local Search for Fast Proximity Algorithms on Parallel and Vector Architectures, Peter Su
How to Encrypt /usr/dict/words in About a Second, Peter Su and Matt Bishop
Building Segment Trees in Parallel, Peter Su and Scot Drysdale
Submissions from 1991
An Overview of Computer Viruses in a Research Environment, Matt Bishop
Implementation Notes on bdes(1), Matt Bishop
Privacy-Enhanced Electronic Mail, Matt Bishop
A Parallel Algorithm for the Minimum Spanning Tree, Donald B. Johnson and Panagiotis Metaxas
Connected Components in O(lg3/2|V|) Parallel Time for the CREW PRAM, Donald B. Johnson and Panagiotis Metaxas
Optimal Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for the Vertex Updating Problem of a Minimum Spanning Tree, Donald B. Johnson and Panagiotis Metaxas
Availability Issues in Data Replication in Distributed Database, Donald B. Johnson and Larry Raab
Complexity of Network Reliability and Optimal Database Placement Problems, Donald B. Johnson and Larry Raab
Effects of Replication on the Duration of Failure in Distributed Databases, Donald B. Johnson and Larry Raab
A Metric Towards Efficient Exhaustive Test Pattern Generation, Dimitrios Kagaris, Fillia Makedon, and Spyros Tragoudas
On Minimizing Hardware Overhead for Exhaustive Circuit Testability, Dimitrios Kagaris, Fillia Makedon, and Spyros Tragoudas
An Object-Oriented Learning/Design Support Environment, Fillia Makedon, Julie C. Jumes, and Jill P. David
Multipacket Routing on Rings, Fillia Makedon and Adonios Simvonis
Optimal Algorithms for Multipacket Routing Problems on Rings, Fillia Makedon and Antonios Symvonis
Ilona: An advanced CAI Tutorial System for the Fundamentals of Logic, Otto Mayer, Graham E. Oberem, and Fillia Makedon
Parallel Algorithms For Graph Problems, Panagiotis Metaxas
Multiplicatively Weighted Crystal Growth Voronoi Diagrams, Barry F. Schaudt
Submissions from 1990
Administrator's Guide to the Digital Signature Facility "Rover", Matt Bishop
Applying the Take-Grant Protection Model, Matt Bishop
A Proactive Password Checker, Matt Bishop
Building Voronoi Diagrams for Convex Polygons in Linear Expected Time, L Paul Chew
Planar Graphs and Sparse Graphs from Efficient Motion Planning in the Plane, L Paul Chew
Term Reduction Using Directed Congruence Closure, L Paul Chew
A Bound of Data Availability when Networks Partition, Michael Goldweber and Donald B. Johnson
A Tight Upper Bound on the Benefits of Replication and Consistency Control Protocols, Donald B. Johnson and Larry Raab
Effects of Replication on Data Availability, Donald B. Johnson and Larry Raab
Finding Optimal Quorum Assigments for Distributed Databases, Donald B. Johnson and Larry Raab
Submissions from 1989
Asymptotically Fast Algorithms for Spherical and Related Transforms, James R. Driscoll and Dennis M. Healy
A Comparison of Consistency Control Protocols, Michael Goldweber, Donald B. Johnson, and Larry Raab
On the Worst Case of Three Algorithms for Computing the Jacobi Symbol, Jeffrey Shallit
Submissions from 1988
An Application of a Fast Data Encryption Standard Implementation, Matt Bishop
Theft of Information in the Take-Grant Protection Model, Matt Bishop
The Sharing of Rights and Information in a Capability-Based Protection System, Matt Bishop
Submissions from 1987
Matching Multiple Patterns From Right to Left, Samuel W. Bent and M A. Sridhar
Learning Object-Centered Representations, Peter Anthony Sandon
Submissions from 1986
A Collection of MDS Example Programs, Joe Bergin, Robert L. Scot Drysdale, Jerry Keough, Larry Gallagher, Vivian Sewelson, and Mark Sherman
What Should a Discrete Mathematics Course Be?, Kenneth P. Bogart
There is a Planar Graph Almost as Good as the Complete Graph, L Paul Chew
Finding Largest Empty Circles with Location Constraints, L Paul Chew and Robert L. Scot Drysdale
Voronoi Diagrams Based on Convex Distance Functions, L Paul Chew and Robert L. Scot Drysdale
Havoc V.85 Software, David Cohn and Stephen Madancy
Binary Trees (v. 2.1 -- September 25, 1985), John Glenn
KD Tree Simulator, Ed Grosz
Music Editor, Ed Grosz
A Distributed Strategy for Resource Allocation, Ann Kratzer
Task Queues: A General Model for the Implementation of Communications Protocols, Ann Kratzer
View 3: A Programming Environment for Distributed Programming, Ann Kratzer
The Pairwise Intersection Problem for Monotone Polygons, David B. Levine
An Algorithm for Resource Allocation Requiring Low Overhead Communication, Ann Marks
Making Mail Friendlier: Adding Macintosh features and multimedia documents in UNIX mail, John R. Meier
Algorithms for Iterative Array Multiplication, Shinji Nakamura
Parallel Accessible Memory, Shinji Nakamura
Digital Logic Simulator, John W. Scott
Instructions for Using Logic, John W. Scott
A Network Package for the Macintosh Using the DoD Internet Protocols, Mark Sherman
Maze Game for the Macintosh, Mark Sherman
QDT (Quickdraw Terminal) Disks, Mark Sherman
Stack Package Implementing Tasks and Coroutines for TML Pascal on the Macintosh, Mark Sherman
Uses of Generics in Ada, Mark Sherman