ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students)
Degree Program
Year of Graduation
Glencore, Ltd. New York, NY
Faculty Advisor
John Harris
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 9-12-2018
This project includes researching various risks the metal department is exposed to; streamlining and improving current methods of handling credit exposure on both seller side and buyer side. The exposure report generated from Credit Team was verified and the verification process was standardized. The report’s accuracy was quantified, and mismatch problems were categorized with root causes identified to enhance its reliability and validity. The potential redundancies and inefficiencies were explored through workflow diagrams and recommendations were provided; the internal management process was centralized via a master folder to store and track all available documents with detailed instructions.
Level of Access
Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Bao, Han, "Glencore" (2018). ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students). 12.
Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.