ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students)
Degree Program
Year of Graduation
Overstock.com, Midvale, Utah
Faculty Advisor
Eric S. Bish
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 9-16-2018
As the product manager intern for the site merchandising project, I helped to improve the current webpage update process at Overstock by accomplishing the following: 1) Conducted key stakeholder interviews to identify pain points and gather user requirements; 2) Coordinated with the Learning team to create training documents to enforce standard terminologies and metrics; 3) Drafted the proposal and facilitated the TID MicroStrategy report building; 4) Proposed a simplified workflow and conducted a pilot test with new task management tool. As a result, the turnover time was shortened from 1.5 months averagely to 1 week, and the new process will be implemented in September for the company’s Q4 webpage update process.
Level of Access
Restricted: Campus/Dartmouth Community Only Access
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Yang, Mengou, "Site Merchandising" (2018). ENGG 390 Reports (MEM Students). 45.
Available to Dartmouth community via local IP address.