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Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology
Department of Physics and Astronomy
We develop a non-singular bouncing cosmology using a non-trivial coupling of general relativity to fermionic fields. The usual Big Bang singularity is avoided thanks to a negative energy density contribution from the fermions. Our theory is ghost-free since the fermionic operator that generates the bounce is equivalent to torsion, which has no kinetic terms. The physical system consists of standard general relativity plus a topological sector for gravity, and fermionic matter described by Dirac fields with a non-minimal coupling. We show that a scale invariant power-spectrum generated in the contracting phase can be recovered by suitable choice s of fermion number density and bare mass, thus providing a possible alternative to the inflationary scenario.
Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation
Alexander, Stephon; Bambi, Cosimo; Marcianò, Antonino; and Modesto, Leonardo, "Fermi-Bounce Cosmology and Scale-Invariant Power Spectrum" (2018). Dartmouth Scholarship. 2698.