Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Journal of Biomedical Optics


Thayer School of Engineering

Additional Department

Geisel School of Medicine


Radiation therapy produces Cherenkov optical emission in tissue, and this light can be utilized to activate molecular probes. The feasibility of sensing luminescence from a tissue molecular oxygen sensor from within a human body phantom was examined using the geometry of the axillary lymph node region. Detection of regions down to 30-mm deep was feasible with submillimeter spatial resolution with the total quantity of the phosphorescent sensor PtG4 near 1 nanomole. Radiation sheet scanning in an epi-illumination geometry provided optimal coverage, and maximum intensity projection images provided illustration of the concept. This work provides the preliminary information needed to attempt this type of imaging in vivo.



Original Citation

Ahmed SR, Jia JM, Bruza P, Vinogradov S, Jiang S, Gladstone DJ, Jarvis LA, Pogue BW. Radiotherapy-induced Cherenkov luminescence imaging in a human body phantom. J Biomed Opt. 2018 Mar;23(3):1-4. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.3.030504. PMID: 29560623; PMCID: PMC7560997.
